Setting Up a Personal Weather Station with Raspberry Pi 5: Real-Time Monitoring at Home

Learn how to build a personal weather station using Raspberry Pi 5 to monitor temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure in real-time. This guide covers essential components, sensor setup, coding, and data visualization. Perfect for DIY enthusiasts, this project offers valuable insights into weather patterns while enhancing your skills in electronics and programming.

Personal Weather Station

Weather monitoring is a practical and enjoyable project for DIY enthusiasts and tech hobbyists. With the Raspberry Pi 5, setting up a personal weather station at home becomes both affordable and accessible. A personal weather station not only provides real-time local weather data but also offers insights into environmental conditions and patterns over time, making it ideal for gardening, science experiments, or simply keeping track of the weather.

This guide walks you through the process of setting up a personal weather station using the Raspberry Pi 5, covering everything from selecting sensors to coding, data visualization, and even adding cloud-based storage for long-term data analysis.

Why Choose Raspberry Pi 5 for a Personal Weather Station?

The Raspberry Pi 5 is equipped with features that make it suitable for collecting and processing environmental data:

  • Enhanced Processing Power: The Pi 5’s quad-core processor can handle data from multiple sensors simultaneously, allowing for real-time data processing.
  • GPIO Pins: The GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins allow the Pi 5 to connect with various sensors, such as temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors.
  • Low Power Consumption: Running 24/7 with minimal power usage, the Pi 5 is ideal for continuous environmental monitoring.
  • Affordability: The Raspberry Pi 5 offers a cost-effective solution compared to commercial weather stations while providing customization options.

Essential Components for the Weather Station

  1. Raspberry Pi 5: The core device to process sensor data.
  2. MicroSD Card (32GB or higher): Storage for the OS, software, and data.
  3. Power Supply (USB-C): Stable power for the Raspberry Pi.
  4. Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT22): For measuring ambient temperature and humidity.
  5. Barometric Pressure Sensor (BMP280): For measuring atmospheric pressure.
  6. Light Sensor (optional): To monitor light intensity, useful for tracking daylight patterns.
  7. Jumper Wires: Connect sensors to the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.
  8. Display (optional): An LCD or LED display to view real-time weather data without needing a monitor.
  9. Internet Connection (optional): Allows for cloud data storage and remote access to the weather station.

Step 1: Setting Up the Raspberry Pi 5

  1. Download and install Raspberry Pi OS:
    • Download Raspberry Pi OS from the official website.
    • Use Balena Etcher to flash the OS onto a microSD card.
    • Insert the card into your Raspberry Pi, connect a monitor and keyboard, and power up.
  2. Update and Upgrade:
    • Open the terminal and update the OS to ensure all components work smoothly.
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  3. Enable I2C and SPI (for Sensor Communication):
    • Open the configuration menu:
    sudo raspi-config
    • Go to Interfacing Options and enable I2C and SPI. These protocols allow the Pi to communicate with various sensors.

Step 2: Connecting Sensors to the Raspberry Pi

  1. Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT22):
    • Connect the VCC pin on the DHT22 to the 5V pin on the Raspberry Pi.
    • Connect GND to a ground (GND) pin on the Pi.
    • Connect the data pin to GPIO 4 on the Pi.
  2. Barometric Pressure Sensor (BMP280):
    • Connect VCC to the 3.3V pin on the Pi.
    • Connect GND to a ground pin.
    • Connect the SCL and SDA pins to the Pi’s SCL and SDA pins for I2C communication.
  3. Light Sensor (Optional):
    • For a light-dependent resistor (LDR), connect one side to 3.3V and the other to a GPIO pin, with a resistor between the GPIO pin and ground. This setup allows the Pi to measure ambient light levels.

Step 3: Installing Necessary Libraries for Sensor Communication

To communicate with sensors, specific Python libraries must be installed on the Raspberry Pi.

  1. Install the DHT Library:
    pip install Adafruit_DHT
  2. Install BMP280 Library:
    • Install libraries for I2C communication and BMP280.
    sudo apt install python-smbus
    sudo apt install i2c-tools
    pip install Adafruit-BMP
  3. Verify Sensor Connections:
    • Use i2cdetect -y 1 to ensure the sensors are recognized by the Pi. The terminal will display the I2C addresses of connected devices.

Step 4: Coding the Weather Station in Python

With sensors connected, create a Python script to read data from them and display real-time weather information.

  1. Import Libraries:
    import Adafruit_DHT
    import Adafruit_BMP.BMP280 as BMP280
    import time
  2. Initialize Sensors:
    • Specify the sensor type and GPIO pin for the DHT22.
    DHT_SENSOR = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22
    DHT_PIN = 4
    bmp = BMP280.BMP280()
  3. Read Sensor Data:
    • Create functions to read temperature, humidity, and pressure data.
    def read_dht22():
    humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(DHT_SENSOR, DHT_PIN)
    return temperature, humidity
    def read_bmp280():
    pressure = bmp.read_pressure()
    return pressure / 100 # Convert Pa to hPa
  4. Display Data:
    • Use a loop to continuously read data from sensors and print it to the console.
    while True:
    temperature, humidity = read_dht22()
    pressure = read_bmp280()
    print(f"Temperature: {temperature}°C, Humidity: {humidity}%, Pressure: {pressure} hPa")

Step 5: Displaying Data on an LCD (Optional)

To display data in real-time on an LCD screen, you’ll need to connect an LCD display to your Raspberry Pi and modify the Python script to output the sensor data onto the screen. Here’s how to go about it:

1. Install Required Libraries

To interact with an LCD display using Python, we need a library that supports communication with the hardware. One popular choice is the RPLCD library, which works with many standard LCD modules.

Start by installing the library using pip:

pip install RPLCD

This library provides an easy-to-use interface to control character LCDs connected to the Raspberry Pi.

2. Connect the LCD to the Raspberry Pi

You will need to connect the LCD to the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins. The wiring depends on the type of LCD you are using. For a 16×2 character LCD using the HD44780 controller (one of the most common models), the connections are as follows:

  • VCC (Power): Connect this pin to the 5V pin on the Raspberry Pi.
  • GND (Ground): Connect this pin to a GND pin on the Raspberry Pi.
  • RS (Register Select): Connect this pin to GPIO 25.
  • E (Enable): Connect this pin to GPIO 24.
  • D4, D5, D6, D7 (Data Pins): Connect these to GPIO 23, GPIO 17, GPIO 18, and GPIO 22, respectively.

You can adjust the GPIO pin assignments in your Python code if you are using different pins. Be sure to double-check your wiring to avoid any incorrect connections.

3. Modify Python Code to Display Data on the LCD

Now that the hardware is set up and the required libraries are installed, we can modify the Python code to display the real-time data (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.) on the LCD screen.

Here’s an example of how to modify the code to output the data to the LCD:

from RPLCD import CharLCD
import time

# Set up the LCD
lcd = CharLCD(cols=16, rows=2, pin_rs=25, pin_e=24, pins_data=[23, 17, 18, 22])

# Simulated functions to read sensor data (you should replace with actual functions)
def read_dht22():
# Simulated sensor readings for demonstration
temperature = 22.5 # Example temperature
humidity = 65 # Example humidity
return temperature, humidity

def read_bmp280():
# Simulated sensor readings for demonstration
pressure = 1013.25 # Example pressure in hPa
return pressure

# Main loop
while True:
# Read the data from sensors
temperature, humidity = read_dht22()
pressure = read_bmp280()

# Clear the LCD screen

# Display data on the LCD
lcd.write_string(f"Temp: {temperature}C\nHum: {humidity}%")

# Sleep for 10 seconds before updating

Explanation of the Code:

  • RPLCD Library: The CharLCD class from the RPLCD library is used to create an object that represents the LCD screen. You define the number of columns (cols=16) and rows (rows=2) to match the specifications of your LCD (e.g., 16 characters per line and 2 lines).
  • GPIO Pin Configuration: The pin_rs, pin_e, and pins_data arguments define the GPIO pins connected to the LCD. These pins correspond to the Register Select, Enable, and Data pins of the LCD module.
  • Reading Sensor Data: The read_dht22() and read_bmp280() functions simulate the retrieval of sensor data (temperature, humidity, and pressure). You should replace these with actual sensor reading functions in your implementation.
  • Displaying Data: The lcd.clear() function clears the LCD screen, and lcd.write_string() is used to write the data to the display. In this example, the temperature and humidity values are displayed on the first line, while the pressure could be displayed on the second line if you modify the code.
  • Sleep Interval: The time.sleep(10) function pauses the loop for 10 seconds before reading the sensors again and updating the LCD display.

4. Customizing the Display:

If you want to display more data or adjust how the information is shown, you can modify the code accordingly. For example, you could show additional sensor data (e.g., pressure or air quality) or change the update frequency:

lcd.write_string(f"Pressure: {pressure}hPa")

Or you could introduce a more advanced display format, such as showing the data in a scrolling manner or using special characters (like symbols or arrows) to enhance the visual output.

5. Troubleshooting LCD Connections:

If the LCD is not displaying anything or the characters appear garbled, here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • Check Connections: Ensure that the LCD is properly connected to the Raspberry Pi, especially the power (VCC and GND) and data pins.
  • Contrast Adjustment: If the text is not visible, try adjusting the contrast on the potentiometer (if your LCD has one) located on the back of the display.
  • GPIO Pin Conflicts: If you are using GPIO pins that are already assigned to other components, change the pin assignments in your code.

Step 6: Visualizing Data with a Graphic Library

  1. Install Matplotlib:
    pip install matplotlib
  2. Modify the Code to Store Data:
    • Store temperature, humidity, and pressure values in lists to plot them over time.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import datetime
    timestamps = []
    temp_data = []
    humidity_data = []
    pressure_data = []while True:
    temperature, humidity = read_dht22()
    pressure = read_bmp280()
    pressure_data.append(pressure)# Plot every 10 data points
    if len(timestamps) % 10 == 0:
    plt.plot(timestamps, temp_data, label=“Temperature”)
    plt.plot(timestamps, humidity_data, label=“Humidity”)
    plt.plot(timestamps, pressure_data, label=“Pressure”)

    Step 7: Storing Data in the Cloud (Optional)

    Storing your sensor data in the cloud allows you to track and analyze it over extended periods. This is particularly useful for monitoring environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and pressure. By using cloud services, you can create a centralized data repository and access it from anywhere. Additionally, cloud storage offers scalability, security, and backup, ensuring your data is safe and readily accessible.

    In this section, we’ll expand on setting up cloud storage and sending data to services like Google Sheets or AWS. We’ll also discuss how to analyze long-term trends using visualization tools.

    1. Set Up a Cloud Service (e.g., Google Sheets or AWS)

    Before you can send data to the cloud, you’ll need to set up an appropriate cloud service. Let’s go over two popular options: Google Sheets and AWS (Amazon Web Services).

    Option 1: Google Sheets

    Google Sheets provides an easy and free solution for storing data in the cloud. You can access your data in real-time, and it’s a great option for small projects or experimentation. Here’s how to set it up:

    1. Create a Google Sheet:
      • Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet where you want to store the data.
      • Add headers in the first row, such as Timestamp, Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure.
    2. Enable the Google Sheets API:
      • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
      • Create a new project, then enable the Google Sheets API and Google Drive API.
      • Create credentials (OAuth 2.0) for your application, download the credentials JSON file, and save it to your Raspberry Pi.
    3. Install Required Libraries: Install Python libraries needed to interact with Google Sheets:
      pip install gspread oauth2client
    4. Authenticate and Access Google Sheets: Use the gspread library to authenticate and send data to your Google Sheet. Here’s a simple Python code snippet for authentication and updating the sheet:
      import gspread
      from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

      # Set up the Google Sheets API
      scope = ["", ""]
      creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('credentials.json', scope)
      client = gspread.authorize(creds)

      # Open the spreadsheet by name
      sheet ="Weather Data").sheet1

      # Example function to send data to Google Sheets
      def send_data_to_sheets(timestamp, temperature, humidity, pressure):
      row = [timestamp, temperature, humidity, pressure]

      After this setup, modify your Python code (from the weather station) to periodically send sensor data to Google Sheets.

    Option 2: AWS (Amazon Web Services)

    For larger projects or those requiring more advanced features (such as processing or storing large amounts of data), AWS offers powerful cloud services, including databases and storage solutions.

    1. Create an AWS Account and Set Up Services:
      • Sign up for an AWS account at
      • Use services like AWS DynamoDB (NoSQL database) or AWS RDS (relational database) to store your data.
      • Set up IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles and permissions to secure your database access.
    2. Install AWS SDK (Boto3): Install the boto3 library to interact with AWS services from your Python code:
      pip install boto3
    3. Configure AWS Credentials: Set up your AWS credentials by configuring the AWS CLI or using environment variables. You’ll need your AWS Access Key and Secret Key.
    4. Store Data in AWS: Here’s an example code snippet that sends data to AWS DynamoDB:
      import boto3
      from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

      # Set up AWS DynamoDB client
      dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')
      table = dynamodb.Table('WeatherData')

      # Function to store data in DynamoDB
      def store_data_in_aws(timestamp, temperature, humidity, pressure):
      response = table.put_item(
      'Timestamp': timestamp,
      'Temperature': temperature,
      'Humidity': humidity,
      'Pressure': pressure
      print("Data successfully stored in AWS.")
      except ClientError as e:
      print(f"Error storing data: {e}")

      This sends the data to the AWS DynamoDB table for later retrieval and analysis.

    2. Send Data to the Cloud

    Now that you have your cloud service set up, modify your Python script to periodically send the data from the weather station to the cloud. This ensures that data is continuously updated in your chosen platform for analysis.

    For Google Sheets, you would use the send_data_to_sheets() function mentioned earlier. You can call this function within your main loop to send data every 10 seconds:

    while True:
    # Get data from sensors
    timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Get the current timestamp
    temperature, humidity = read_dht22()
    pressure = read_bmp280()

    # Send data to Google Sheets
    send_data_to_sheets(timestamp, temperature, humidity, pressure)

    # Sleep for 10 seconds

    Similarly, for AWS, you can call the store_data_in_aws() function to send data to DynamoDB at regular intervals.

    3. Analyze Long-Term Trends

    Once your data is stored in the cloud, you can analyze it to observe trends and make informed decisions about environmental monitoring or any other use cases for your weather station.

    Data Visualization Tools:
    1. Google Data Studio (for Google Sheets):
      • Google Data Studio allows you to create custom reports and dashboards using data stored in Google Sheets.
      • Connect your Google Sheets data to Data Studio, create visualizations like line charts, bar graphs, and pie charts, and analyze the weather trends over time.
    2. AWS QuickSight (for AWS):
      • AWS QuickSight is a business analytics service that can visualize data stored in AWS databases such as DynamoDB or RDS.
      • You can create dashboards with a variety of visualizations and even perform complex analyses using AWS’s machine learning capabilities.
    3. Matplotlib (for Python-based Analysis):
      • If you prefer analyzing the data within your Python script, you can use the matplotlib library to generate visualizations locally.
      • Here’s an example of how to plot temperature over time using matplotlib:
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

      # Example data
      timestamps = ['2025-01-01 12:00', '2025-01-01 12:10', '2025-01-01 12:20']
      temperatures = [22.5, 23.0, 23.5]

      plt.plot(timestamps, temperatures)
      plt.ylabel('Temperature (°C)')
      plt.title('Temperature Over Time')

      You can extend this approach to visualize humidity, pressure, and other environmental parameters.

Setting up a personal weather station with a Raspberry Pi 5 is a rewarding project that provides practical insights into weather patterns and environmental data collection. By following this guide, you’ve created a real-time monitoring station capable of tracking temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. The project is highly customizable, enabling you to add more sensors or integrate cloud storage, turning your weather station into a powerful tool for data collection and analysis. Enjoy exploring weather data from your own home, and consider expanding your setup for more advanced environmental monitoring.


Google’s official documentation provides in-depth details on how to use Google Sheets API with Python, manage authentication, and interact with cloud data. It’s an excellent resource for learning how to send and retrieve data from Google Sheets.


Please check out our other website, where you can learn how to 3D print some things needed for this project.